Due to the crappy service of LJ (least I think so; we've never had so few voters before ;~;), we could really use a few more votes this week! So please help out by going to vote for Week E, thank you!
Welp, there aren't nearly enough votes to determine winners so voting is now extended until 11:30 PM EST tonight. Please help out by casting your vote for Week L, thank you!
Uh-oh, what happened to all those voters from last week? To tcg_exchange participants, voting nets you one random card! Anywho, just a reminder to GET YOUR VOTE IN by tonight please, thank you!
Hey guys, here's a reminder to vote if you haven't already done so. We have a couple of ties that need to be broken so we could really use those votes! Please vote H E R E if you haven't already done so, thanks!
Hey peoples. We've got a bit of a tie to break with this week's voting so if you haven't already voted, please do so here. Winners will be announced later tonight, hopefully after the tie has been broken.